Below, you will find various study aids designed to help you in your journey to learning anatomy. While every effort has been put forth to ensure accuracy, there might be mistakes. Please utilize the feedback page to make us aware of the error so we may fix it.
**NEW** BioDigital 3D Anatomy App (FREE!)-
For free access to SLCC Library’s subscription to the digital anatomy tool, BioDigital, please follow the steps below.
Accessing BioDigital:
- First-time users must register using their SLCC email account using this link.
- After creating the initial account, access BioDigital.
- Free BioDigital mobile apps are available for Android and iOS. Users may search Google Play or the Apple Store for “BioDigital Human – 3D Anatomy.” We recommend that users register for their accounts before trying to sign in to the mobile app.
Comprehensive List of Anatomy Study Resources:
- An alphabetized word bank of terms to use on your quizzes and a great tool to check your spelling!
- Don’t forget that some (new) textbooks come with a subscription and access code to Anatomy and Physiology Revealed, a virtual body donor dissection experience. Look in the end pages of your text for access or go here. If you have a used text, you can buy access.
- Check the ANATOMY LINKS for online sites that provide review diagrams, tutorials, etc. that can be used to prepare at home for the laboratory practical exams.
- If you’d like a quality, inexpensive Human Anatomy Atlas, consider this one. We have some of these in the labs so you can look through and see if you’d like to purchase one.
- SLCC Anatomy has a Quizlet (lab aide created)
- Online Tutorials for Laboratory Practical Review (username: slcc password: anatomy)
- Helpful online tutorials and quizzes are available at
- If you’d like some extra practice, consider P.A.L. 3.0. It’s an online site with histology photos, body donor photos, model photos (each labeled and unlabeled). It has quizzing and fill-in-the-blank practical-type tests. You can do a tour if you’re interested in checking it out before purchasing. Alternately, there is a DVD available here.
Online Facebook Anatomy Study Group – led by lab aides!
Lab and lecture study guide with key. (lab aide created)
Models available for study outside of lab:
- List of models available on Redwood and Jordan campus libraries for study.
- List of models available on South City campus library for study.
- The Dumke STEM Center at the Redwood campus also has models available for study.
Anatomic Terms:
- Printable anatomic terms flashcards. (lab aide created, some inaccuracies)
- Here’s an alphabetized word bank of terms for the Human Anatomy Lab. A good tool to check your spelling!
Activity 1 Video Playlist:
- Printable histology flashcards
- Virginia Commonwealth University’s digital histology. A great explanation of all things histology.
- Tyler Junior College A&P lab web page. It has great histology slides and other diagrams.
- This site has some great histology practice activities on it.
- Here’s a link to a pathologist’s site with a great introduction to histology. If you click ‘start learning’ on the page, and scroll through all of the slides, it will give you a great overview of normal histology and an introduction to some pathologies, such as cancers.
- *NEW* Histology Packet. We suggest arranging double-sided, with description on one side and image on the other, so that you can use them like flashcards. (Archived: Histology Complete Packet (Old))
Activity 2 Video Playlist:
Skeletal System:
- Printable axial skeleton flashcards (lab aide created)
- Labeled axial skeleton models (lab aide created)
- Printable appendicular skeleton flashcards (lab aide created)
- Labeled appendicular skeleton models (lab aide created)
- A YouTube Carpal Bone video (Instructor created)
Activity 3 Video Playlist:
Activity 4 Video Playlist:
- Try the site for some practice on muscles and other body systems
- Printable Muscle flashcards (lab aide created)
Activity 5 (3D app) Video Playlist:
Activity 5 (body donor) Videos: See ‘Restricted Content’, password required
Activity 6 (3D app) Video Playlist:
Activity 6 (body donor) Videos: See ‘Restricted Content’, password required
Nervous System:
- Printable Nerves and Nerve Plexus function flashcards (lab aide created)
- Labeled Nervous System Models (lab aide created)
- Truly wonderful link to the 3D Brain site, with great structure and function information on most sections of the brain.
- Want to make a brain hat? Here’s the link
- Video of dissection of the sheep brain. (instructor created)
- Video of aide description of human brain model.
- Video of cow eye dissection. (instructor created)
- Video of aide description of Cranial Nerves mnemonic and model.
Activity 7 Video Playlist: *Disclaimer: Table 7-10 on the model incorrectly identifies cranial nerve 11 (they are directly superior to the first and second cervical nerves being pointed out)
Activity 8 Video Playlist:
- Pig heart dissection photos (labeled and unlabeled)
Activity 9 Video Playlist:
Digestive System:
- Labeled Digestive System Models (lab aide created)
Activity 11 (Digest) Video Playlist:
Respiratory System:
- Labeled Respiratory System trachea Model (lab aide created)
Activity 11 (Resp) Video Playlist:
Urinary System:
- Labeled Urinary System Models (lab aide created)
Activity 12 Video Playlist:
Reproductive System:
- Labeled Reproductive System Models (lab aide created) (ductus deferens labeled incorrectly, it’s a urerter)
- Female reproductive system (lab aide created)
- labeled (isthmus of uterus labeled incorrectly) unlabeled
- breast labeled unlabeled
- Male reproductive system (lab aide created)
Activity 12 Video Playlist: